Cracking the code to succes
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October 2023

Equity Directive United
Monthly News

Cracking the code to success:

The power of The Law of Attraction
(within bussiness)

Let's preference this first, The Law of Attraction isn't a quick-fix potion, but with unwavering focus, it's your key to business stardom. So, visualize, set intentions, stay positive, act with purpose, and sprinkle gratitude everywhere as if you were in the kitchen cooking.

Your entrepreneurial journey is about to get a cosmic boost 🚀

So are you ready to dive into the mystical world of business and the Law of Attraction and take your startup dreams to the next level within a short read? But strap in first, because we don't want to spend unnecessary money on a cosmic warp speeding ticket.

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So what's the hype on The Law Of Attraction?

Simply it is what you focus on, you attract. It's the cosmic law that the universe swears by. While it's often seen as a self-help secret, it's the number one method extremely wealthy and successful people practice in their businesses and daily lives.

Here are the laws:
Positive thinking - good things can happen in your business when you least expect it, like getting more customers, attracting the right people to help your bussiness grow, finding investors and having great reviews said about your business from customers and media outlets. So, it's good to try to think positive thoughts as much as you can.

Inspired action - To be successful in business, it's not just about doing things; you should do the right things that help you reach your goals or atleast promote growth. Doing the work that really matches what you want to achieve for your short, mid and long term goals.

Gratitude - So, as you're building your business, make it a habit to practice gratitude every day. Say thank you to your team, your customers, and the universe for the opportunities that come your way. It's not just a mindset; it's a superpower that can propel your business to new heights. Remember, the more grateful you are, the more greatness you can create. Keep dreaming big and stay thankful along the way

Read the full article here

Form vs. Substance in Business:

Striking the Perfect Balance for Success

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Let's talk about two big ideas in the business world - "form" and "substance." "Form" is like the official rules - the legal stuff a business has to do, like registering and following certain types. "Substance" is what the company is about - its values, how it treats people, and what it does daily.

Sometimes, these rules and what a business truly stands for can clash. Imagine a business might look good on paper but act in a way that could be better, or it might be super awesome but need the proper paperwork. In these situations, what the business stands for and does (substance) is more important than following the rules (form).

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So, my fellow startup enthusiasts, remember, it's not just about having the correct paperwork; it's about doing good things, being ethical, and ensuring your business's heart is in the right place. That's what matters for a successful and meaningful business journey!
Read the full article here

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Uh Oh, The Unseen Business Expenses:

The Silent Profit Eaters

Hey there! As a business owner, you always look for ways to boost your profits. I've got some tips to help you do just that by tackling those sneaky phantom business costs. These hidden expenses can eat into your bottom line without realizing it.

First, let's talk about technology upgrades. You know how important it is to keep up with the latest tech trends, but it can be expensive. Here's a plan: start by looking at the tech you're currently using. Then, make an intelligent plan for what upgrades you need. Remember to invest in training for your team to make the most of the new tech. And consider cloud computing it can save you money in the long run.

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broke guy

Next, meetings, we all have them, but they can be a significant drain on productivity. I'll show you how to make your meetings more efficient. Start by setting clear agendas so everyone knows what to expect. Encourage everyone to participate and use technology to help with communication.

Now, let's talk about those subscriptions you might not even use. We'll do a subscription audit to determine which ones you can cancel. You can also negotiate lower rates, share subscriptions with others, and set reminders so you don't forget to cancel when you no longer need them.

Key Take Aways

Equity Directive United (EDU) is a business consulting agency and platform that offers a range of services helping businesses achieve stability and growth by providing expert advice, networking opportunities, and support in various business management and development aspects.

© 2023 Equity Directive United
Phone: 1-800-547-9257 ext 0
8911 North Capital of Texas Highway, Suite 4200
Austin, Texas 78759